Chambers Summer Party, 2014

Chambers was delighted to welcome guests to its Summer Party on 24 July 2014, held at the English Speaking Union in Mayfair.

Elissa Da Costa-Waldman Joins Chambers

New Court is delighted that Elissa Da Costa-Waldman is joining chambers as a tenant.

Elissa has over 25 years of experience at the Family Bar and is a published author in the areas of family and matrimonial law. Elissa is also a trained Mediator, Collaborative Lawyer and Family Law Arbitrator and is available to undertake work through Direct Access. Elissa practises predominantly in matrimonial finance, TOLATA, Schedule 1 Children Act 1989 and Inheritance Act claims.

New Court Welcomes Stephen Coyle

We are very pleased to welcome Stephen Coyle as a tenant in chambers. Stephen joins from Renaissance Chambers and practises in all areas of family law with a particular interest in international family matters.

Chambers & Partners 2014

We're delighted that Giles Bain has been ranked in this year's edition of Chambers & Partners.

Giles is described as a “straight forward advocate, who will never make a bad point, will never overdo something and plays it straight down the line.”

Chambers & Partners 2014

Chambers is delighted that Chris Poole has been recognised in the 2014 edition of Chambers & Partners.

Chris is described as having “a fine track record in public law cases and Children Act matters, and is favoured by Local Authorities and Guardians. He is very hard working, very fair, and a nice guy to work with.”