Training for Queen Mary University law students
New Court Chambers is always keen to support budding lawyers and several of our members provide supervision on a regular basis for the law students at Queen Mary University who undertake real cases via the Law Clinic (QMLAC) provided by the University. Given the geographical situation of Queen Mary, in the heart of London’s East End, there is much demand for the free service offered by the clinic. Students meet real people with real legal problems and have the opportunity to help them in the early stages by listening to them, providing written advice by way of a letter and signposting them to other agencies or representation should they need to attend court. Elissa Da Costa-Waldman attended QMLAC on 19 September 2024 to give a presentation to second and third year students on Interviewing and Letter Writing Skills to help prepare students ahead of their first client facing meetings.

Elissa Da Costa Waldman qualifies as Private Law Children Arbitrator
We are delighted to announce that Elissa Da Costa Waldman has qualified as an Arbitrator in Private Law children disputes. This is in addition to Elissa’s status as a Financial Arbitrator.
For more information about Elissa and her practice please visit her profile.
Re C [2024] - Post-Adoption Contact
Re C (A Child) (Adoption by Foster Carers) [2024 ] EWFC 87 – Non-Agency Adoption Order and Post-Adoption Contact Application
Mr Richard Harrison KC (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge)
Dinali Nanayakkara acting for the Local Authority, Emma Vincent acting for the prospective adopters, George Lafazanides acting for the Children’s Guardian.
The child (‘C’) had been the subject of care proceedings which concluded in March 2022. The local authority had sought care and placement orders.
C has complex medical needs and requires specialist care for her serious medical conditions, which includes the administration of medication throughout the day.
After spending the first 16 months of her life in hospital, C moved into the care of the prospective adopters (‘Mr and Mrs D’), who were specialist foster carers.
Throughout the previous care proceedings, C remained living with the prospective adopters and their children. However, due to issues regarding long-term funding arrangements, the local authority did not seek to place C with the prospective adopters following final orders.
At the end of those proceedings, the court granted the local authority’s application and directed final care and placement orders. C’s birth mother subsequently appealed the placement order, which the Court of Appeal allowed; handing down judgment on 9 July 2022.
The case was remitted to reconsider the local authority’s application for a placement order. However, by the time the final hearing was listed before Mr Richard Harrison KC, the local authority was no longer pursuing its application for a placement order. Rather, the primary application was for a non-agency adoption order, sought by Mr and Mrs D; supported by the local authority and the children’s guardian.
The child’s birth parents opposed the making of an adoption order. Although the parents supportedC, now aged 5, remaining in the care of the prospective adopters, they sought for the legal order to be either a long-term foster care arrangement or a special guardianship order.
Legal Framework
As there was agreement between the parties that Mr and Mrs D should continue to care for C, the primary issue for the court to determine was the appropriate legal structure under which C’s home with Mr and Mrs D should be underpinned. The Judge therefore considered the following proposals put forward by the parties, regarding the different legal frameworks for C’s placement with her adopters:
- As C was already subject to a final care order from the previous proceedings, the parents sought for C to remain with Mr and Mrs D under a long-term foster care arrangement, with the local authority and parents sharing parental responsibility (‘PR’), to the exclusion of the adopters [34-36]
- It was proposed on behalf of C’s birth father that C could remain subject to the final care order, with the court also making a special guardianship order. This would enable Mr and Mrs D, the birth parents, and the local authority to share PR, though the local authority would continue to have overriding power. [152]
- An alternative sought by the birth parents was that C be made subject to a special guardianship order, with the birth parents and Mr and Mrs D sharing PR, though Mr and Mrs D would have enhanced PR [37-39] It was also raised on behalf of C’s birth mother that the court could combine a special guardianship order with a family assistance order or a supervision order. [148]
- The order sought by Mr and Mrs D, supported by the local authority and the Guardian, was that the court make an adoption order in favour of Mr and Mrs D, severing C’s legal ties with her birth family [40-58]
If the court granted the adoption order, C’s birth parents sought an order for post-adoption contact, providing for direct contact up to six times a year. [59-65]
Alternatively, if the Judge refused the adoption order application, the birth parents were willing to agree to the court making an order under section 91(14) of the Children Act 1989 for a period of two years; preventing the birth parents from making a further application during that period withoutthe permission of the court.
When considering the options before the court, the Judge had at the forefront of his mind C’s medical conditions, and the fact that they make her extremely vulnerable to stress, to the extent that it can be life- threatening. The court noted the Guardian’s view that because of C’s complex needs, C is a child who requires more than ‘good enough’ parenting. [13] The Judge considered that the quality of parenting Mr and Mrs D have provided to C was exceptional.
Further, due to the time in which C has been in Mr and Mrs D’s care, the Judge acknowledged that C had come to view them as her parents, and Mr and Mrs D’s biological children as her brothers, and their wider family as her wider family. The court recognised that the only home C has ever known is with Mr and Mrs D, and C’s needs could only adequately be met by C continuing to live with Mr and Mrs D.
In weighing-up the options and considering the highly fractious relationship between the birth parents, the local authority, and the prospective adopters, the court determined that:
- If C were to live with Mr and Mrs D under a long-term foster care arrangement, although C would have the benefit of enhanced support from the local authority, it would mean C was living in a home in which her primary carers lacked PR for her. Further, C’s different status within the household would be apparent to her and likely undermine her place in the family and her sense of security. [151]
- The court acknowledged that a special guardianship order would carry many of the advantages of adoption, conferring enhanced parental responsibility to her carers, and requiring the leave of the court to make an application to discharge such an order. However, the level of support currently in place would reduce and Mr and Mrs D would be left to deal with the birth parents directly, which the court considered justifiably filled them with apprehension.The Judge determined that under a special guardianship order, C’s birth mother would likely continue to criticise the carers and continue to undermine C’s placement with them, jeopardising C’s stability. [147]
- Regarding an adoption order, the court considered the key advantage would be to cement C’s place within the family that she already believes to be her own. It would also align C legally with the reality of her world as she perceives it, while conferring upon Mr and Mrs D the freedom to act as C’s parents.
Having heard all the evidence and submissions on behalf of the parties, Mr Richard Harrison KC concluded that:
I do consider that C’s medical needs place this case in the category of the wholly exceptional. It is an unusual case where no order other than adoption will do for C. With regret, as I acknowledge the love and commitment which the parents have shown for C, I am driven to the conclusion that C’s interests require me to dispense with their consent and to make an adoption order. It is a proportionate response in the light of C’s particular needs. [156]
The court therefore granted Mr and Mrs D’s application for an adoption order and declined to make a post-adoption contact order as sought by the birth parents.
New Court Chambers Newsletter - January 2024
The new edition of the New Court Newsletter is now out and provides a summary of some of the key cases members have been involved in throughout 2023.
To read this addition, just click here.
Chambers & Partners 2024
We are delighted to be ranked in Chambers & Partners 2024 as a leading set for the 10th consecutive year.
In addition to Chambers as a whole being recognised for its high quality service to clients, this year sees a record number of members ranked as individuals, including new entries for Jemimah Hendrick and Sarah McMeechan. And as always, our clerks are recognised for the exceptional service they continue to provide to our professional clients.
Legal 500 2024 - New Court Ranked As Leading Set
We are delighted to announce that Chambers has once again been ranked as a Leading Set by Legal 500 for public and private law children work.
Not only has Chambers been ranked, but a record number of members have received individual rankings and our clerks are also recognised for their consistently high service to clients:
“New Court Chambers home to ‘many excellent advocates’ and ‘the go-to set for public and private children law cases’. Joint head of chambers Giles Bain regularly appears before all levels of the Family Court. Andrew Shaw is an‘extremely knowledgeable, helpful, and skilled advocate’ who handles cases involving allegations of the most serious sexual and physical violence against children. Samuel Prout is also recommended.“
‘Adam Grant, James Stammers, Karl Sadoune and Paul Bloomfield are brilliant. The clerks are excellent, friendly, kind, helpful, and conscientious and offer the highest professional standards. They have excellent administration practices in checking matters are still effective, ensuring their diaries are up to date. They go above and beyond to help.’
‘Karl Sadoune is diligent, proactive, and helpful.’
‘New Court Chambers is outstanding in their areas of expertise.’
‘New Court Chambers is an excellent chamber. It is exceptional and stands out from the crowd. It has excellent counsel from pupils to the most senior levels.’
‘New Court Chambers is a good set of chambers with varying degrees of experience and likeable personalities.’
Welcome to Gary Noble
We are extremely pleased to welcome Gary Noble as the newest member of chambers. Gary, formerly of Senate House Chambers, will continue his thriving practice in children’s law where he has particular expertise in complex public law care cases. Gary is well known to members and instructing solicitors alike and we look forward to seeing his already busy practice continue to grow. Welcome Gary!
New Members - Emma Vincent and Gabriella Slater
Following successful completion of their pupillages, we are delighted that Emma Vincent and Gabriella Slater have accepted offers of tenancy in chambers. Both will continue their busy public and private law practices developed throughout the second six months of pupillage. We wish them both long and successful careers and are so pleased to have them join the team.
Pupillage 2023 - Isabella Taylor-Ezechie
We are delighted to welcome Isabella Taylor-Ezechie to chambers, commencing her pupillage on 2 October 2023. Isabella will spend 6 months shadowing her pupil supervisors, starting with Elissa Da Costa-Waldman, before taking on her own cases in April 2024.
Welcome Isabella, we wish you the best of luck for the year ahead.
Chambers & Partners 2023
New Court Chambers is delighted to have been once again ranked in Chambers UK Bar as a leading Family:Children set.
In addition, the number of individual members recognised continues to grow each year, with Sarah Nuttall and Saiqa Chaudhry joining Christopher Poole, Giles Bain, Andrew Shaw, Sam Wallace, Kyri Lefteri, Laura Harrington, Philippa Jenkins and Sally Jackson (Matrimonial / Finance) as ranked barristers.
The clerks’ room has also been recognised for the first-rate service they provide to clients.
Congratulations to all.