New Court Chambers is hosting its Big Charity Quiz and Raffle on Wednesday 29 April 2015 in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Chambers has a longstanding connection with the charity with many members raising money for the hospital by running marathons and half-marathons in recent years.
Reserve your place by filling in the form to the right, or by emailing/calling the clerks’ room ( | 0207 583 5123).
Date: 29 April 2015
Time: 7.00pm
Venue: Ye Olde Cock Tavern, 22 Fleet Street, EC4Y 1AA
Ticket Price: £25 per team of 5 or 6
Payment: Cheques made payable to ‘New Court Chambers’
RSVP and purchase tickets by 11 April 2015 to avoid disappointment.
There is a fantastic array of prizes to be won on the night, including:
- Champagne Afternoon Tea for 2 at the Pegasus Bar, Inner Temple.
- Three-Course Lunch for 2 in Middle Temple Hall.
- Three-Course Meal for 2, including wine, at the Lincoln’s Inn Members Common Room.
- Lunch for 2 at Gray’s Inn Hall.
- Two tickets to ‘The Railway Children’ at the King’s Cross Theatre.
- Free Coffee for a month at Fleet Street Press Coffee House.
We are very grateful to Gray’s Inn, Lincoln’s Inn, Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Runaway Entertainment and Fleet Street Press for their considerable support.
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